"The gibbles" is what a double chin becomes when it reaches its max size..>_<
only librarians can have this.
**Never look directly at the gibble!! It may wink at you and give you nightmares!!**
WOAH!!!! Dude What the hell is that thing?!
It moved I swear!!!
AHHHHHHHH it winked at me NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
by Barrel roll** March 25, 2005
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A phrase meaning whatever your heart may desire (gib-L/gib-L)
What are you going to do today my dear?
- Gibble Gibble
by ItZjaylen July 20, 2019
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also: gibbled up

1. (adj.)
contorted, twisted

2. (adj.)
malfunctioning, broken

3. (v)
to break, maim, or otherwise impair

"My brother's foot was totally gibbled after he tripped in that gopher hole. Man, was that funny."

"Don't bother trying to fix that watch. It's been gibbled ever since my brother threw it in the lake."

"The VCR totally gibbled up the tape I put in. Now I'll have to YouTube Dancing With the Stars."
by disneyrobin March 19, 2007
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the small crease between the lower butt and upper thigh, much like elbow skin is referred to as the wenis.
Dude, you just got kicked in the gibble.
by Maurice_XU October 9, 2007
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The plural of gibble. The creases between the lower butt cheeks and the upper thighs, much like the wenis of the elbows.
The man missed the girl's butt and instead grabbed her gibbles.
by Maurice_XU October 9, 2007
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Hartley took a dump in that girl's fireplace last night. Man.. he was so gibbled.
by drusalan April 3, 2009
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Appearing or being extrememly fucked up.

In the state of becoming, or being, a gibble (see gibble). A handitard, dumbass, mental midget, cripple, or in some other way mentally, physically incapable, or both.
"Dude, the chair is gibbled!"

"He's more gibbled than a dickless guy in a whore house."

"If your dog Tripod loses one more leg, he's gibbled."
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