when you're doing a chick doggystyle and you stick your finger in her ass and paint camoflage stripes on her face.
by Woody & Broce March 31, 2008
by Massive log July 22, 2018
Action powerhouse movie starring slyvester stallone about a Vietnam veteran who is forced out of a town. Using his advanced military techniques, Rambo manages to fight off the entire police force of a few towns utilising his bare hands, a dead cow, and a machine gun with seemingly unlimited amunition.
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
1. A kick-ass hero to Americans , afghans and to south-vietnamese.
2. A nightmare to communists such as: soviet russians , north vietnamese ,Chinese and north-koreans.
3. A man that is feared in China and in North Korea, because he is comming to kick their asses.
4. A perfect guy for the job.
5. a guy that can perfectly handle a chain gun or minigun.
6. A man that makes some guy named Kim in north korea to go hide in a hole because he is scared and just wet his pants.
7. A man that can kill a man before he can screem.
8. some muscly veteran that lives in the U.S.A. .
9. A guy that wears a red piece of stripped of clothing as bandana ,given to him from his vietnamese girlfriend.
10. A guy that will defend Taiwan against China.
11. An alternative to nuclear or atomic weapons.
2. A nightmare to communists such as: soviet russians , north vietnamese ,Chinese and north-koreans.
3. A man that is feared in China and in North Korea, because he is comming to kick their asses.
4. A perfect guy for the job.
5. a guy that can perfectly handle a chain gun or minigun.
6. A man that makes some guy named Kim in north korea to go hide in a hole because he is scared and just wet his pants.
7. A man that can kill a man before he can screem.
8. some muscly veteran that lives in the U.S.A. .
9. A guy that wears a red piece of stripped of clothing as bandana ,given to him from his vietnamese girlfriend.
10. A guy that will defend Taiwan against China.
11. An alternative to nuclear or atomic weapons.
1. When trouble calls you and you don't know what to do , don't call 911.
Call Rambo, because he'll make sure that they don't call back!
2. "Don't mess with me! i got Rambo on my side"
Call Rambo, because he'll make sure that they don't call back!
2. "Don't mess with me! i got Rambo on my side"
by danny3635 July 31, 2005
Picture this, a lone guy in the middle of a forest facing atleast 50 guys. Okay now imagine the manliest guy you can think of, multiply it by 10 and you get rambo.
by Not Zane September 10, 2004
by Robert Krauss September 8, 2007
To carry out a lone, all out assault against superior numbers, and live. Mostly seen in first person shooter games on the internet.
by !DotU!_{McQueen} July 31, 2005