The devils salad is a simple mixture tha will kick your ass and melt you to the couch before you even know it your passed out.


1. Lucifers lettuce: aka. Marijuanna, pot, weed, mary jane, reefer, or bud.

2. Crazy crutons: aka. Hash, hasheesh, gods dandruff, or bubble.

3. Risky ranch: aka. Hash oil, green ick, hash resin, green bubble.

Directions: First grind lucifers lettuce into desired size for smoking. Then break up crazy crutons to desired size and sprinkle on top of lucifers lettuce. Finally take a paperclip and straighten it out, make sure there is no plastic on the paperclip. Dip paperclip in vile of risky ranch until desired amount of oil is attached to it. Take lighter and heat up the oil lightly above the bowl peice until melted on top. Smoke and reveal you to yourself.

There you go, now how to make the infamous Devils Salad

The ultimate in marijuana smoking enjoy.
Jhon doe: "man I wanna get so baked I can't move for hours, you know not just baked but mega bake, like betty croker baked"

Jane doe: "I don't know what should we do"

Jhon doe: "I know let's go on urban dictionary and look up ideas"

Jane doe: "ok, there's something here called the. The Devils Salad looks like we would get so baked"

Jhon doe: "what do we have to do man?"

Jane doe: "says here we just gotta mix lucifers lettuce, crazy crutons, and risky ranch"

Jhon doe: " let's do it Yeahhhhh!"

30 Minutes Later.

Jhone doe: "whoollyy crrapp theyyss wasss wrighhht I dnnt evwenn knww wherrree I amms I dnnt thhnnk I ccaann even mooovee I luvvv thhhe Deviilllsss ssaaladd!"

Jane doe: " ii knnoww mmannn thhhisss iiisss ttthheee hiiigggghhessst ii eveerrr beeennn thhhannkkssss whhhoooeeevvveeerrr pppuuutttt iiiittt oonnn uuurrrbbaan ddiiicctiiiooonnnaaarrryy1"
by killz-em-all420 February 3, 2012
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Another word for weed. Generally used in context when weed is bided up and mixed with tobacco for the purpose of rolling a joint.
Roll that devils salad so I can get high.

Schwarzenegger, get me some devils salad so we can rip some birds.
by Max Flow April 21, 2008
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Having someone do a backflip into a cartwheel and finishing it off with a split on their partners pecker.

- Cremuni
I’m going to toss you like the Devil’s salad.
Come drop the devil’s salad on me.
by Cremuni July 3, 2021
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“Hey baby I’m gonna light this bowl, wanna do the devils salad toss?”
“Yea we did the devils salad toss last night after we had a sesh
by Goneandghosting November 8, 2022
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Any foodstuff that would make the average pussy cry, but which true men can handle like a champ.
Did you guys see him knock back those wings? That dude tossed the devil's salad like it was his!
by Overkill361 February 26, 2011
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When a man ducks a woman's ass. He pulls out then places one testicle in her ass and they other in her vagina.
Heather " do u want some deviled egg salad?"
Michael " wait so you want me to fuck your dumper, pull out and stuffed one ball in your ass and stuck the other on your pussy?"
Heather " umm... Ok that will work!"
by Cupcakefacekilla187 March 8, 2021
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