My father's daughter.
A man/woman that causes communication issues within a family or
a home wrecker
That girl is a slut.syn: slut
by Maatti2hottie February 7, 2014
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steal yo nigga season. usually occurs after hot girl szn.
-tuhhh girl, it’s syn szn.

- finna syn, steal yo nigga🤪
- aye bro, you heard about syn szn?
by BhadBhabbieChardi August 8, 2019
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A syn main is someone who is extremely bi polar, and is constantly angry.
P: why are you so upset?
U: feeling a lot like a Syn main recently
by Rose aridienne February 11, 2020
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Someone who poses for porn, or somebody who likes to stand still for ages...or something. Usually somebody who looks like a skux islanda...and generally never a person who is angus by nature.
1) That guy is really into that porn syn: poser.
2) That syn:poser absolutely skux's the shit out of standing still for ages
2) "I'm a syn: poser and I'm skux and not angus"
by Tommy. H April 11, 2006
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A Syn Moan Roll is a piece of cake.
'Damn dude, I can't wait to get home and eat a Syn Moan Roll!'
by dreamscape.png November 21, 2018
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