sure thing

Joe: Hey man, can you give me a lift?
Dave: Yeah, hop on.
Joe: Thanks man.
Dave: Sure thing.
by Larrath November 1, 2005
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sure thing

A sports gambling term for a wager that the bettor has extreme confidence. Unfortunately, most people who really believe in the sure thing have gambling problems.
Bet the ranch on Indy covering vs. St. Louis. It's a sure thing.
by Henry G October 17, 2005
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sure thing

A way of saying yes, usually used when one acquiesces or consents to a plan, decision, or request about which one is generally ambivalent. Typically read as "Whatever"
"Hey do you want to go grab lunch with me?" *excitedly*
"Sure thing" *flatly*
by tef1983 January 13, 2011
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sure thing

80s term. means a person that will definatly give you sex, no excuses, no ifs ands or buts. Sex is imminant
Bro I'm going over to heathers house later, she is a sure thing
by KungFu April 5, 2005
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sure thing

when she wont leave you alone
and youre not sure if thats annoying or pleasant
"elevate me so i can see whats ahead"
"Yeah, and when i do take me with you"
"sure thing"
by Krkič April 21, 2019
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Sure Thing

Madame: Please sir could you give me a hand with these groceries ?
Gentleman: Sure Thing, Madame.
Madame: Thank's a lot, you're a sweety
Gentleman: No problem madame, glad to help ya.
by YoManWazzup May 31, 2015
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Sure Thing

A term to define someone who is deffinetly going to give their partner very good sex, whenever they want.
Sarah: "Kayla, why do you still slill sleep with Max?"

Kayla: "Cause he is a sure thing."
by Joey loco December 28, 2016
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