
A word to describe something that literally sucks alot.
today was a terribly suckieful day.
by Tess December 28, 2004
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sucky sucky for a bucky

A blowjob for a buck blowjob meaning someone sucks on a mans penis. buck means one dollar.
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sucky sucky

When you are addicted to some kind of candy, and go as far as to steal it from your cubicle neighbors closed desk drawer for the awesome pleasure it provides.
Scoma likes to steal the little tan yummies from Kosmo for a little afternoon sucky sucky with Werther's Original.
by JtotheBizzi January 11, 2006
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The act of giving someone a sloppy beej
Guy: hey babe
Girl: yeah
Guy: tonight... I want the suckies
Girl: m'kay
by JediMurderer511 July 29, 2017
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Sucky sucky 9000

Something that grampa likes to do
Let’s go grandpa’s giving me the Sucky sucky 9000
by Tri6773 February 25, 2022
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Sucky Sucky Snake

When a girl is blowing you and all of a sudden she sucks too hard and sucks all of the semen out of your dick before you can blow your load.
Bro I was fucking my girl last night and she sucky sucky snaked me. It hurt like hell!
by Mumxii March 15, 2016
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Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. There is a part with a vietnamese hooker who says this. She also says "Me love you long time". Her words have been quoted countless times, and Full Metal Jacket is one of the most referenced movies of all time. If it was before your generation, you should go watch it.

You can say this is just about any situation if you want people to laugh.
Doctor: "Damnit, he's bled out, we've lost him"
Attendant: "Sucky! Sucky! Five Dolla!"
by wtfisapseudnym September 12, 2010
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