
Also spelled sucki, sucki sucki, or even sucky, is the act of a male recieving or person giving oral sex.

* Commonly linked to Asian humor
* Used in a line from the movie Full Metal Jacket
I LOVE gettin' Suckie!!!!
by J. S. Alexander January 20, 2006
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1. (noun) derived from the word suck that means not good or simply put... bad.

2. (noun) emphasizes something that is really really sucky/lame/crappy/terrible/yucky without the sexual innuendos that comes with the word suck.
1. Popular "cool" people suck a lot their level of suckiness reaches new boundaries when they act like they're special and everyone else is a lesser person.

2. So yeah, suck on that suckiness of yours, you motherf*cking sucker.
by Tesaffrey March 18, 2014
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something or someone is bad or unenjoyable
that song is sucki
by buttonzsu June 1, 2003
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Stems from the word suck, or to suck. An adjactive meaning something is really crappy or sucky. Something that is completely featureless and super lame.
The suckiness of jBuilder is beyond compare.
by xBrady May 1, 2006
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n. "Man, this spinach pizza is suckis."

v. "Michael Bay suckis!"
by Mike Harlan October 16, 2006
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A word to describe something that literally sucks alot.
today was a terribly suckieful day.
by Tess December 28, 2004
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A sucky is a blowjob! Common guys!
Guy 1: Hey did you end up getting a sucky last night?
Guy 2: You better believe it.
Guy 1: My guy!!
by AhabKidd November 3, 2019
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