1) being, lying, or operating under the
suface of the earth.
2) existing or working in secret: Hidden
secret concealed HIDDEN
suface of the earth.
2) existing or working in secret: Hidden
secret concealed HIDDEN
A subterranean network of criminals!
by Monchie~ July 14, 2019
The subterranean make out constitutes approximately 90% of college make outs, usually synonymous with dance floor make outs- however to qualify as a subterranean make out the tonsil hockey session must take place beneath ground level. e.g. basement dance party, subways, storm shelter, nuclear fall out shelter, crater/canyon, in-ground pool, submarines, wells, etc.
by Phalange Blaster October 16, 2010
The SAMC-5215 is an underground antimatter-held facility used to fire antimatter missiles into space. This facility is located at least five hundred meters below ground and is very far away from civilization, this is used as a percaution because antimatter is very dangerous. The underground facility produces this antimatter to fire missiles at asteroids visible in the exosphere. When the AIR (AntImatteR) "Coercion" SAM Missiles are released, it will be navigated by a sattellite.
SAMC-5215 will possibly never be made. Antimatter is already to dangerous. So, why make it destroy the world internally?
by Wassup yall? August 25, 2004
That bitch liked to shit her pants when I pulled out my subterranean Siberian sperm spitting semen serpent.
by olaf the cockmaster March 31, 2011
The act of melting three specific fruits, freezing them, melting them again, freezing them once more, throwing them off a cliff, scavenging the shards of frozen fruit that fell from the cliff, rubbing them against a tree, then shoving every shard up their lover's rear all at once.
by MaffaMuffa April 5, 2017
"My partner talked me into trying the subterranean kitchen knife in the bedroom, our relationship will never be the same."
by brainstorm-with-friends August 13, 2017
A person who snatches someone’s testicles, regardless of the terrain or area they are in. The most common use is in a body of water, a pool, lake, pond, ocean, etc. It can also be used as a verb.
“If you keep this up I will have no choice but to subteranally snatch your balls”
“Some may call me the subterranean ballsnatcher”
“Some may call me the subterranean ballsnatcher”
by Crashiewashie May 12, 2024