the action of performing a drive-by style attack on coworkers in an office setting by rolling your chair past their cubicle and throwing large items such as staplers, hole punches, or paperweights at them to mark your turf or to intimidate them. can be accompanied by a terrifying battle cry or done by stealth attack.
dude, L just staplerred that new guy in the face! he's totally her bitch now!
by Chad Zappa December 6, 2013
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Referring to a black person "porch monkey".
Most staplers are black in general. Also can be know as: Stape; or Baby Stape for younger blacks.
Black person: "Ay yo waddup gangsta."
White person: "Damn staplers are taking over the city."
by blameitonmymom July 10, 2009
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When two or more friends wish to go to a sporting event (in particular an NFL game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Buffalo Bills) and one of your friends refuses to go. This friend will also give seemingly valid reasons why no one should attend the event.
I want us all to go to the Bills game, but David Buchnea is being such a useless cock stapler!
by chunkylover6969 September 29, 2010
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Someone who staples their papers so poorly that the teacher gets pissed and calls them out
Ted stapled his papers 5 times, so the teacher called him a stupid stapler.
by Lil’Fish March 10, 2015
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Someone who wants to get you in bed purely to cause immense pain to the penis or scrotum
Jeez that girl Kim is a proper dick stapler
by Fudtrad April 16, 2019
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Similar to a rug that really ties the room together, the red swingline stapler is a coveted possession or ideological, which when taken, may cause arson.
"Red stapler"
by Ignatius Strangelove November 14, 2007
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