A word that's thrown around an awful lot these days. Originally reserved for very sick, antisocial individuals, people are now branded "sociopaths" for minor transgressions. A dandified way of calling somebody an asshole, if you will.

Often seen in use on Reddit and Tumblr.
Person A: Did you just double-dip that chip??
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: You're not allowed to do that.
Person B: Yeah.
Person A: Sociopath!
by Just Another Retarded Anon October 26, 2016
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A sociopath is someone who has behavior issues. They are really impulsive and tend to have anger issues. They don’t care about anyone else but themselves (selfish 🙄) they always do what they want and are usually very stingy. Usually , their name would be Allison , Brenda , Cameron, Jake , Logan , Lesly , Paul , or cassy.
Omg, you see that angry person over there, that must be a sociopath!
by the good and fresh tea October 14, 2018
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A vague term used to define a person with any one of a range of antisocial or dissocial behaviors. A sociopath is usually disconnected from other people on an emotional level and is incapable of experiencing empathy.

Sociopaths are not necessarily immoral or amoral people, however, and can function well in certain positions where a lack of empathy is advantageous. For example, moral sociopaths make good court judges because they interpret the law as it is and treat the people involved as objects. Moral sociopaths also make good doctors in the sense they treat the patient as an object to be repaired and do not let emotions distract them or interfere with their work.

Sociopaths can, of course, lack morals and in this way tend to engage in amoral or immoral acts of self interest. This type of sociopath is dangerous on some levels as they tend not to view other people as "real" people and have no problem killing or harming them.
The sociopath felt nothing as the woman in front of him was assaulted.

As the desperate young mother cried out at the proclamation she was guilty, the sociopathic judge looked on disassociated and devoid of feeling.
by mdbrainard June 24, 2009
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A very dangerous person. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A master deceiver. They are perceived as a nice guy with charm and perhaps charisma but when the layers of the truth are peeled back they are evil, opportunitstic and lack character. A sociopath may look like this:

They are opportunistic and use their keen ability to read people to take advantage of a person’s weakness. They have an error in judgement and have no regard for rules. Their extreme egocentricism makes them do whatever they must to get what they want without regard for other people. They are manipulative. Their character flaw seldom makes them feel guilt or learning from punishments. They always justify their actions. They lack personal responsibility and blame others for their shortcomings, labeling themselves the “victim.” Many sociopaths are also pathalogical liars and can have a tendancy to commit acts of violence.
Most serial killers fit the personality trait of a sociopath.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com March 16, 2008
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a person, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
Nny, From Jhonen Vasquez's JTHM, Would be best described as a sociopath.
by TheMainDistraction December 14, 2007
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A person who in a state of mind, where their brain can justify almost/any actions they do or take. I say state of mind because it has been known for a person to be normal sometimes and a a sociopath at others. These "Metamorphisis sociopaths" might be the most dangerous type because they can hide themselves from being discovered as one by staying normal.
The girl in the play "The bad seed" was one of the highest fourms of a sociopath. Or "Jekel and Hyde" could've been a "Metamorphisis Sociopath."
by ericcccccc May 27, 2007
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The definition given is inaccurate ("For example, if someone prefers to be alone all the time rather than be among friends, family, or other people. Another could be someone who intentionally cuts their wrist everytime they feel they did "something wrong"")

Self-injury has nothing to do with being a sociopath. I find this offensive and increases the stigma of a serious disorder

Sociopath refers to a person who lacks a conscience
by MSENYC August 3, 2005
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