1. a plethora of cocaine; a large amount used for coc parties
2. a cocaine party (usually snorted through the nostrils)
2. a cocaine party (usually snorted through the nostrils)
by joesmith40 September 16, 2006
Carlos asked Yolanda for a snowstorm, so she grabbed the pail of ice cream and got down on her knees.
by Donny Lucy June 23, 2010
when a chic or dude farts out a load of semen from their anal cavity following a good ole fashion corn holing.
by Mark Regnidiew February 1, 2005
When someone sticks you last second in Halo before dying. Named after a player with snowstorm in his gamer-tag infamous for doing said action.
by Dr Freedom April 8, 2013
To pull your dick out as you're about to cum and wave it around like you just don't care, spraying cum all over her, giving her a snow day.
"Dude I totally gave her a snowstorm last night"
"Yeah man?"
"Pulled that shit out and sprayed jizz all over here, what a snow day that was"
"Yeah man?"
"Pulled that shit out and sprayed jizz all over here, what a snow day that was"
by TheHatterOfMadness July 22, 2014
by SinfulDelmin September 17, 2011
by Josh hart March 31, 2015