When you smoke some buds and get drunk at the same tine
Yo I got so smunked last last I thin k I fucked someone
by notorious_gansta May 22, 2011
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To put a piece of dry ice into alcohol and inhale the vapors.. hence, the combination of drunk and smoke. As long as one does not inhale deeply and gets enough oxygen in between (hotboxing is a definite no-go) it's reasonably safe.
Mayng, I got so smunk last night I didn't even remember doing it the next day!
by a-chaps September 29, 2007
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I was on vacation in Italy and I totally witnessed a smunking.
by Mmmbabr1 January 8, 2011
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After 5 Coronas and 2 ciggs, she felt so smunk.
by S.E.N. March 5, 2006
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i was so bent off that last splif it was like a cross between smack and skunk (smunk)
by rockitman-007 August 14, 2009
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