7 definitions by Jaybona
by Jaybona November 28, 2009
Pesedrians are not allowed here.
by Jaybona October 11, 2009
A version of the Brazilian drink caipirinha that uses vodka in place of cachaça. A mixture of vodka, cane sugar and lemon juice
by Jaybona October 28, 2009
An ancient measure used in Europe to sell imported brown sugar similarly shaped as bread loafs.
The famed mountain in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil received this name from early explorers as having the same shape as sugar loafs.
The famed mountain in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil received this name from early explorers as having the same shape as sugar loafs.
by Jaybona October 12, 2009
A hard drink from Brazil. Mainly a mixture of cachaça and fruit juices sweetned with cane sugar and blender mixed.
by Jaybona October 28, 2009
An alcoholic drink very common in Brazilian young people parties. A mixture of vodka and a soft drink such as Tang and water or fruit juices.
by Jaybona October 28, 2009
by Jaybona December 12, 2009