by The Charming but Unproductive one March 2, 2005
Doing anything but that which you are supposed to be doing during a specific time frame.
E.G Pretending to do something for which you are being payed for, such as a your job, but instead doing other things (like having a laugh, phoning your friends, hiding from your boss, surfing the internet, playing computer games, having a sly cigarette) that are totally unrelated or unconected to that which is within your job description.
E.G Pretending to do something for which you are being payed for, such as a your job, but instead doing other things (like having a laugh, phoning your friends, hiding from your boss, surfing the internet, playing computer games, having a sly cigarette) that are totally unrelated or unconected to that which is within your job description.
Taking 2 hours for lunch instead of 1 and getting a collegue to cover for you.
Leaving work earlier than you should, and hoping your boss doesn't notice.
Calling in sick to work, then going out for an all day pub crawl.
Leaving work earlier than you should, and hoping your boss doesn't notice.
Calling in sick to work, then going out for an all day pub crawl.
by Siona Beht June 22, 2004
by Gumba Gumba February 23, 2004
"you two are gonna make me wanna skive if you keep this're practically having sex right here in the theater! I mean....get a room already!!"
by Bonzai October 27, 2006
by Iwantedtowritethisstuff September 6, 2021
To be absent from work or school during the hours that you should normally be there for purposes that have nothing to do with your work or education activities. Used a lot in the construction industry.
by First timer November 10, 2009
The Weasley's skiving pills could give you any number of excuses to get out of school, including a fever, a bad rash or diarrhea.
by jdsmsl August 10, 2005