Home of the hipsters.

If you're is living in LA, into the Indie Music scene, and you're a male with 2% bodyfat plus unwashed hair, or a female with a mullet and bad hygiene - then this is where you aspire to live.

Silverlake is a relatively expensive place to live for those who work in record stores, coffee shops or book stores. Therefore, not all of them can afford to live in the Motherland of retro garage fashion. Instead, many opt to live in the surrounding areas such as Echo Park or Los Feliz.

The restaurants and bars are mediocre at best in Silverlake when compared to the rest of LA, but a Silverlake resident will rarely leave Silverlake for a meal, a show, clothes, groceries etc. Many do not even realize that LA has beachfront cities/a beach.

Its mostly known for it's hipster music venues - Spaceland, The Echo, and Silverlake Lounge. This is where you are most likely to hear the next new thing that the rest of the country has been deemed 'not cool enough' to know about.

If you've ever seen the movie 'Gimme Shelter', then you already know exactly what 90% of the male population in Silverlake dresses like, per their every day Hipster costumes.

If you've ever seen a female street junkie who needs a bath, but keeps her fashion dedicated to her 80's rock roots, then you've seen 90% of the female population in Silverlake.
Guy in Culver City: Jesus, look how skinny that guy is.

Girl in Culver City: Which Guy?

Guy in Culver City: The one in the black jeans, sleeveless shirt, star tattoo and needs a shower.

Girl in Culver City: Ah yeah. The Silverlaker.

Guy in Culver City: I bet you could defeat him in the arena of physical combat.

Girl in Culver City: Yes, but I dont want to smell like 'homeless' for the rest of the night.
by JimmyGordon September 4, 2006
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The new Brentwood. Formerly LA's original gay village, then home of the hipsters, now home of the yuppies. Even Beck can't afford to live there anymore.
Sunset Junction in Silverlake might as well be Rodeo Drive nowadays
by Rattus cattus November 30, 2006
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perfectly populated with crack whores and prostitutes. Nevermind in Knigston Massachusetts The most ghetto racist ass white fucks with blonde bimbo on every corner. Every girl is flat basic and thinks they're Thiqq The druggies and populars ruler over the sk8r bois and nerds with the bright ass library with some fucktards playing card games in the corner. Not to mention the teachers
Tommy: The shithole Silverlake Highschool
by Acingangels April 16, 2020
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A Jewish coed sleepaway camp with jappy kids but not as bad as Pontiac. everyone hookups or dies from the food. everyone loves silverlake but they are the worst at sports. they are connected to Camp Chipinaw and have a love hate relationship. CAMP SILVERLAKE FOREVER
Slake camper : I go to camp silverlake and it’s my second home. red and grey forever. #10for2

everyone else : how many pairs of golden gooses do you have ? and how many Hermès bracelets
by baddie369 August 26, 2019
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Boys with high egos and shitty ass personality’s Who look like wet rat that crawled out of the shower drains
by BigDubs420 May 1, 2022
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Boys with high egos and shitty ass personality’s Who look like they crawled out of the shower drains ready to bite your toes
by BigDubs420 May 1, 2022
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