Coined by Bay Area website in 2017. Means I'm not trying to insult, talk bad about, nor am I mad about something; I'm just saying.
You're on the phone with G and have said ok 9 times. You've said goodbye 6 times. You're trying to hang up, but they keep talking. "Damn G, I said I gotta go! You talk too much man. No smoke, no shade, no salt. but for real though."
by TheSauceBeats December 15, 2018
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(also spelled C-salt): saltiness, microaggressions, anger, or hate towards minorities rooted in fear of helping with or losing white caucasian privilege.
1. the mob of angry protestors looked like giant pillars of sea salt as they violently destroyed the city of Charlottesville while harming civilians and anti-protestors.

2. the principal of a Kansas elementary school had so much sea salt in his mouth that he wouldn't allow the man's daughter to be admitted into his school. then the principal threw sea salt at the man and his daughter until they left the school. the man brought his concerns to the court with his family and luckily the judges didn't eat as much sea salt that morning.

3. the salty sea man barricaded himself in a Las Vegas hotel room and shot giant pellets of sea salt at harmless, multi-cultural civilians in a nearby concert.

4. captain sea salt made fun of a Puerto Rican hurricane tragedy by giving sea salt candy wrappers to the island for relief.
by ebsaiyan October 19, 2017
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that love meme
my Dick was sea salt thats why its bigger than john
by James bosh October 22, 2018
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A chubby man with bitchtits acting as a roastie because he delayed a blockchain launch for 2 more weeks.
You bullish on Pulsechain?

Ohh, you talking about the biggest scam in history of crypto? 2 more weeks hehe. Don't take everything serious "grain of salt heart" is saying.
by Pulsechain October 19, 2022
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To have courage. To be tough. One who possess intestinal fortitude and resolve.
That cowboy has got some salt in his sack.

You got to have some salt in your sack to do that job!
by Tsunami14 February 20, 2013
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An online gamer seeking to cause salt within other players. Basically a troll that rummages through game servers and lobbies instead of sitting around in the YouTube comment sections.
Player one: *dies due to being taken off guard by player two*
Player two: damn you suck lol
Player one: quit being a salt seeker and fight, Plyr-2
by HeyElectricJupiter October 19, 2019
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Means the same as "Damn it" or yelling "Shit" used in exasperation or anger.
I dropped my keys thru the sewer grate- "Piss Salt!"
by BBIL December 9, 2013
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