A superior move used by the man the myth the legend DWAYNE 'THE ROCK' JOHNSON !!
by Swift watermelon March 19, 2018
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Nothing Left,Everybody's Gone,Kinda Like My Life Right Now.....SHITTY
by Seagulls Of Satan August 5, 2008
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When a crack addict or dealer has completely run out of their product and desperately needs more.
"Yo I hit rock bottom, I need to re up"

"Make sure you ain't gonna be at rock bottom, things are getting tight out there."

" Hey man can you sell me some product I'm at rock bottom and hurtin real bad."
by MC Rickey Dee December 4, 2015
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Rock bottom is a practical task preformed on ones self. This is the part of ones life when they have no shame or dignity left in life. The person must then to achieve rock bottom by accomplishing the task of inserting rock forms of amphetamines generally crystal meth is preferred into ones rectum. Generally the use of lubrications is consider cheating, so insertion of rock into ones rectum must be done with the use of either your right or left index finger, as to insure proper insertion is achieved deep enough into the rectal cavity usually whilst squatting. Thus then you have now come to a point in your life know as the definition of Rock Bottom. After you have achieved this task it is generally recommended to place yourself in a fetal like position rocking back and fourth as to reflect back on the choicest they have made that have lead them to hit rock bottom.
Person at rock bottom: I don't know what else i can do, their is literally nothing more i have in life as i have no shame or dignity left to move forward, i'm between a rock and hard place
Friend: Im sorry to say this man but i think its time for you to hit "rock bottom"
Person at rock bottom: I know i just didn't think it would ever get to this point, i guess rock bottom is all i have left to achieve in life.
by Badassbossbassbitching September 18, 2018
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When one's sexual desires have gotten so out of control that you end up slapping the arse of a statue.
Doc. My sexual urges have gotten so bad that i slapped the arsingtons of a statue whilst walking round London. I hit rock bottom.
by ShittierJokes October 15, 2017
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A very unkown combination of drugs, producing a unique state of consciousness. Also used to describe the user of said substances.
The mixture is nutmeg, alcohol, and opiates.
"I'm so fucked up on nutmeg, tequila, and codeine, man"
"Dude, you've gotta have a name for that; something like... a rock bottom pirate."
by Dr. Gonzo (madison) January 16, 2006
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When you realize your looking at someone's facebook profile that you don't care about, in fact you hate them, and everything you read about the profile disgusts you, and then you catch your reflection in the computer screen and you see the skin of your face sagging off your skull, and it scares you, and like a drug addict you see the end of your life surfing some idiot's profile so you delete your account...or just suspend it for now, because who know one day...you might be able to use if effectively and not waste time on it, because it's not a waste of time...right?
I threw up when I hit facebook rock bottom
by William Bee Cartright February 3, 2011
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