Internet terminology for when you scroll too deep and hit some uncomfortable search results.
I was scrolling through fanart of my favorite character on Google until I hit Rock Bottom.
by Cynical Man January 22, 2023
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a bottom who is a dominant with their words
Jerry, you're such a rock bottom.
by RozeStormz2953 July 28, 2023
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the ''unobtainable'' item in tboi

Upon pickup and from then onwards, locks attributes to their highest values reached.
This applies to everything that alters Isaac's attributes, including temporary buffs from activated items and pickups. This also makes him immune to any stat downgrades.unlocked by beating boss rush with jacob and esau, appears on the secret room pool. quality 3
man i can't get rock bottom, i always get skeleton key
by joe ligma yuri updog January 4, 2022
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Guilty pleasure pussy. Usually an ex who has a good pussy and you keep coming back even when you have a girl.
by JokDok April 3, 2022
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A guilty pleasure pussy. A pussy that’s real good you can’t stop going back. Usually an ex’s pussy
She got that rock bottom pussy. I gotta go back for more.
by JokDok April 3, 2022
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