
After removing all the spiders, dead insects, bugs and old carpets and trash in the attic you finally see the space for what it is. A common ground to fill with living things and earth and sky and love. You've wanted this for so long and you -if you feel honestly- deserve it, too.
You and me is a case of renovation.

by Krkič August 7, 2019
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Synonymous to the phrase ā€œair this bitch outā€, renovate is a term used when an ingnorant person is going to harm the vicinity due to a minor/avoidable inconvenience.
Mark: Ay foul man
Ben: What ?? I didnā€™t touch you at all
Mark: Nah itā€™s my ballā€” ight yā€™all keep playing imma go get sumn to renovate this bitch.
Leland: I ainā€™t wanna be here no mo
by urban-websters August 26, 2022
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When you want to change your identity or your lifestyle.
1.I'm going to renovate myself and stop smoking Meth all day.
2.I need to Renovate myself because I am wanted by the Feds.
by Mojo Maniac July 13, 2008
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Euphemism for what's known as "adujusting yourself" in guys.
Dude 1: What the fuck dude? Take your hand out your pants!

Dude 2: Don't mind me, I'm just renovating!
by PaplooTheEwok September 20, 2007
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Kenosha Renovation

The act of renovating a house, store, school, church, car, or truck by lighting it on fire.
"Jerry was mad that I slept with his wife, so he tried to give my car a Kenosha Renovation."
by September 15, 2020
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Petko renovation

A renovation of your flat that will never finish.
His renovation is a Petko renovation, it will never end.
by Qwan411 March 27, 2020
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renovators delight

A sexual act; The man and the woman engage in doggy style sex and the man pushes so hard that the womans head smashes into the fibro or gyprock wall leaving a small hole that requires patching.
Man, Me an the missus really went off last night, I ended up giving her a renovators delight and had to call the ambulance.
by The Axe169 March 18, 2007
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