Something that ruins the world. Religion has caused more suffering and death then anything else.
All the Jews that died in the Holocaust we're discriminated cause of their religion.
by GreatestBryanever October 29, 2007
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Ones natural or supernatural bias, preconception, assumption or opinion of, concerning, or pertaining to the cause, nature, and purpose of
a. the universe
b. Life
c. Spirit
d. Morality (ethics)
e. humanity
f. relationships
g. economic stablity
h. ecologic stablity
i. Freedom
j. government
k. education (wisdom)
l. Death
m. after-life
n. the natural world (universe)
o. the supernatural world (universe)
ergo, a system of (beliefs, ideas, doctrine, orthodoxy, or dagma) that is not based on, but rather is used to interprete or explain, the observable data around us.
i.e. religion is a bias, preconception, assumption, or opinion that dictates how we interprete the physical and or metaphysical universe.
Science, as defined as 'the search for truth' is not a religion; science as defined as 'the search for naturalistic causes' is a religion as it assumes that there can only be a 'natural cause' for everything.

Naturalism, the idea or belief (assuption) that everything has a natural origin (cause), is the secound oldest religion.
by William Harwell April 23, 2006
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An honorable reason to defraud oneself and others.
I was so lost untill I found religion.
by Sumwizeguy September 30, 2017
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Religion is usually composed of the belief in god or gods and the worship of said god or gods. A religion usually has a holy book that is supposed be to read to get moral instructions and guidance but the believers are usually to lazy to read it.

Basically, bullshit. Especially when people try to teach creationism in schools or prevent people from getting married because of it.
There are two extreme sides of the spectrum. There's the atheist who despises religious people and argues about pretty much anything that has to do with religion. These people usually think of themselves as superior in intellect than the religious sheep. And then there's the religious person (usually a christian) who hates people of other religions/no religion and tries to outlaw all their fun.
by SmarterThanEinstein October 12, 2018
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Many types of ridiculous superstitions that are really mean't to keep you in line so the more powerful and rich leaders don't have to.
If you do bad things in life and don't believe in the higher power of your religion, you burn for eternity when you die, or you are excommunicated by your former friends and family, or you worship Satan, or like in the old days, you are killed or tortured.
by Josh Voorhees May 27, 2008
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The reason the world is shitty, and the reason the world will end horribly.
Maybe if we all didn't try to blindly follow a religion, there wouldn't be so many wars and people dying for no reason.
by antireligiouszombies June 15, 2010
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Religion is nothing more then spiritualism laced with fear to keep us domesticated like cattle so were easier to maintain
"You're all going to Hell!" Standard uninformed "religious" person
"Who died and made you god you hypocritical bastard?!" "anyone with a brain untethered by the slop fed to most
by beamish July 19, 2013
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