
The euphemisms term for airline's company to knock out and then drag off unconscious passengers.
I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers" United Airlines CEO April 2017.
by AusNorman April 11, 2017
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verb, euphemistic corporate slang

viciously beat with hits and kicks, batter until bloody and limp.
Don't make me re-accommodate you!

Security re-accommodated the uncooperative passenger.
by Hippasus of Metapontum April 12, 2017
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to beat up and violently drag paying passengers off an airplane in order to make room for airline crew on stand-by.
"I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers." (Oscar Munoz, CEO, United Airlines, April 10, 2017)
by Wim2600 April 10, 2017
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Verb- To forcibly remove someone from a commercial vehicle in a way that causes facial injury and bleeding in the event of a lack of seating positions, as was the case in an incident on a United Airlines plane where an unfortunate doctor was dragged off the overbooked aircraft against his will. The term itself is easy to compare to'Newspeak' a la George Orwell.
Joe: Hey did you hear about that guy who got dragged off a bus?
Henry: They didn't drag him off, they had to 're-accommodate' him.
by Intelligence001 April 28, 2017
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When you beat the crap out of someone for not giving up the seat they paid for
Person A: I am so excited to get re-accommodated on united airlines, Who knows maybe I will get a first class seat.
Me: Of course you will...
by Micky25 April 10, 2017
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