Short for phalloplasty. A surgery that takes a skin graft and makes a dick out with the remaining skin. You get either because your dick was blown off while in the army or more likely you're trans masc/ftm.
"I'm getting phallo done in exactly two weeks!!"
"That's cool man now you won't have to use a packer!"
"That's cool man now you won't have to use a packer!"
by offbrandcholera February 26, 2021
by Nic Bass February 16, 2005
by rperazag May 2, 2010
by Owen Lucas April 30, 2016
doods, i've been heckin dysphoric lately and i think full body phallo is the only thing that will affirm me. no i'm not on t needles are scary @_@
by stinky snail trail May 10, 2022
I tell ya jimmy there are some strange fettishes out there like the other day online there was an entire section devoted to phallo-photo-portaphilia
by Bad mother fucker Beau Cater May 15, 2016