67 definitions by Detranova
Bill Gates doesn't need time.
by Detranova July 29, 2003
The Druid is a class of magic-wielder that is similar to the nechanter, but relies upon spiritual magic. The Druid is at peace with nature, and often is considered a protecter of the ecosystem. He is gifted with blessing weapons, controlling animals, and using nature as a weapon. Druids are reknowned for their ability to call upon fierce wolf packs to their aid, and controlling natural phenonmena, such as hurricanes and monsoons, and using them as a weapon. The Druid is very calm, and almost as wise as the Wizard, but they have been known to go into uncontrolled fits of rage when the environment is in danger.
by Detranova August 4, 2003
The Dragunov SVD is the sniper rifle of choice for many Russian and non-NATO troops. It is extremely cheap, while boasting a 1,300 meter range, and 7.62mm rounds. While it quails when compared to the Barret M82A1, the Dragunov is eay to reproduce and cheap to buy.
by Detranova July 29, 2003
The mercenary is a professional wrrior, who is often hired as a skilled defender or fighter. Mercenaries go out to the highest bidder, and lack any sense of honor, but they are very skilled at fighting, often relying upon their cache of dirty tricks to defeat an opponent. Mercenaries are not very trustworthy, and often will switch alliances in the midst of a battle.
by Detranova August 11, 2003
A humanoid creature that is substantially pure evil. It can often be mistaken for a human and can easily be addicted to happiness.
See EthoDemon.
See EthoDemon.
by Detranova July 28, 2003
A cyborg composed of adamantium and other metals, it runs soley upon the force of pure evil. It is an enemy of the George Mossessian and Detranova creatures, and is capable of sending high-pitched blasts of sound through concrete walls.
by Detranova December 2, 2003
A game that deserves better than the Xbox. An amazing game that will soon be coming to a 3.06ghz, 512mb RAM, ATI Radeon 9700pro and Audigy soundblaster 2 equipped PC near me, with a 6.1 speaker system of course. And with Breed, the just-as-good-game-with-better-graphics too.
Since the invention of emulation, I've realized just how much consoles suck, and how much multi-tasking I can get done on my rig.
by Detranova July 29, 2003