2 people, mainly a dude and a chix, pressed tight against one another in a way that their hotspots (genitals) are makin' contact. This usually happens during intimate kissing and hugging. It can be standing up or sitting or laying down but is usually with clothes still on. Not dryhumping, just as it says, "Pressed up"
by CITH March 8, 2006
by BMoney January 27, 2005
Danger Press Ups was first formed in the early months of 2010 during a drinking session at Birmingham University. It is possibly the worst punishment besides capital punishment.
First of all, for this to happen, an event so deserving of punishment must have happened that will make grown men cry.
Secondly, the venue must be agreed on.
Thirdly, the number of press ups must be agreed. (no higher than 20)
Fourthly, the defendant must take off all their items of clothing (hats and scarves are allowed to be on)
Fifthly, the defendand must ring the doorbell of the venue.
Sixthly, the defendant must complete the press ups, even if the occupants of the vene answer the door.
Seventhly, all of you run away so fast.
..Because exercise just isn't the same with your clothes on.
First of all, for this to happen, an event so deserving of punishment must have happened that will make grown men cry.
Secondly, the venue must be agreed on.
Thirdly, the number of press ups must be agreed. (no higher than 20)
Fourthly, the defendant must take off all their items of clothing (hats and scarves are allowed to be on)
Fifthly, the defendand must ring the doorbell of the venue.
Sixthly, the defendant must complete the press ups, even if the occupants of the vene answer the door.
Seventhly, all of you run away so fast.
..Because exercise just isn't the same with your clothes on.
by tickle66 April 21, 2010
by madsntee July 24, 2017
What someone will tell you when they are throwing a party in the pent house, meaning you have to press the elevator button 'up' to party.
by milli00 April 6, 2009
used to define sex with a lady who is so loose that the act of sex resembles doing naked press ups over an open man hole
by agrosteve March 6, 2011
The art of performing press ups naked (hats and scarves may be worn) upon someone's doorstep immediately after ringing their doorbell.
First started at the University of Birmingham in january 2010, where it took off immediately and grew to be a worldwide phenomenon by the middle of summer 2010.
First started at the University of Birmingham in january 2010, where it took off immediately and grew to be a worldwide phenomenon by the middle of summer 2010.
by dpumaster April 26, 2011