by LOVEMESOMEURBAN October 16, 2010
Dan, Jay and Jeff came out of the corsey and saw some hot girls. Dan and Jay said "hi!!!111oneone" and Jeff said "nut-up!" The girls drove by and flipped us off.
by dFecT June 3, 2004
(v.) To gird ones loins. Nutting up entails using one's proverbial balls or "nuts". Mainly used on the US west coast, it's the sister (brother?) term to cowboy up.
by Neilmiser May 15, 2004
To suddenly go crazy with no apparent provocation. Especially true with emotional issues that have not been previously resolved but avoided.
by CWB August 27, 2005
by F.I.D.O. July 19, 2006
v. To ejaculate. Literally, when one's testis climb to a "high & tight" position just before launch.
by R2dad August 1, 2006
to take one for the team, against most odds, to guard closely (in athletic contests) commonly yelled at Ultimate Frisbee games
by Texas August 29, 2004