by brattygrrl911 August 3, 2003
by daywalker October 7, 2003
When faced with a hard chore, it's a shift in attitude from "can't" to a positive "can-do" with confidence and a non-complaining spirit that becomes contageous.
Halfway through a hot day of hauling hay you might tell yourself or your buddy to "c'mon, cow-boy up." and thereby keep your work and your attitude from going south.
by still_do December 2, 2003
Essentially another term for self-endowment of strength and moral, or to another. Essentially another term for a similar phrase like, "toughen up", or "stop your belly-aching and fight!", etc etc.
"I'm sure this is a word made by southerners. I'm not southern, but I like the definition of what it means. Reminds me of me. ^_^ "
by Dave February 22, 2004
(an insult used between men): to metaphorically " grown an extra pair of balls" and assume your responsibilities like a grown
Not very bright teenage son: dad I got my girlfriend pregnant. What do I do?
Father: all you have to do is cowboy up son, and btw, I am busy ( closes the study door in son's face)
Father: all you have to do is cowboy up son, and btw, I am busy ( closes the study door in son's face)
by Sexydimma May 31, 2016
The original meaning of "Cowboy Up" was to inform the next bullrider or bucking bronco rider at a rodeo to get ready to ride or "cowboy up". Now it means to stop being a pussy liberal snowflake with your safe spaces and whiny bullshit, grow up and be a man for once in your pathetic life.
Liberal snowflake type: Oh no! Trump won the election! I need to find a safe space to calm down and stop crying.
Real man type: No you need to stop being a pussy and cowboy up!
Real man type: No you need to stop being a pussy and cowboy up!
by NOMmnom March 8, 2017
by steve k... May 25, 2007