
it means "new page master/mastah" or short "npm".
This meme has started on a slovenian forum called mn3njalnik.
is used in a post that starts new page on a forum.
that post usually only contains word npm and brings tears of joy on the faces of attention hungry trolls
by požigalc December 29, 2009
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Non Popular Minger.
Non popular mingers often gather in groups and idolise a certain alpha male for periods of time. This alpha male can then use the women as he sees fit. They usually fall between the catergory of "nerd" and "popular girl".
Will: Shanni and Steph invited me out earlier.
James: Those NPMs! Why do you talk to them?
Will: It's all pussy.
James: Ahaha! NO.
by The Sedge October 24, 2006
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To install yarn you need to run this from NPM CLI npm install -g yarn
by AldasMacius November 18, 2020
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Kelly is so slutty, she probably takes 12 npm.
by SgtPeppers February 14, 2016
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1. The number of times the words "nigga" or "nigger are used per minute.

2. Sub-genre of rap pioneered by L'il Jon
L'il Jon's new album has an average of 200 NPMs
by Mute Invert April 26, 2005
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No pussy, man.

Also the name of a javascript package manager (Node Package Manager).

If you've got a friend or friends who talk too much about npm, they get no pussy, man.
(in the midst of coding conversation)
You guys do know what npm means right?
It means you get no pussy, man.
(Abruptly ends current conversation)
by APG does vocab & March 19, 2022
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Short for: Not My Country; Not My Problem.
An euphemism when you want to remind yourself that something that isn't in your part of world doesn't affect you.
News anchor: Gun control is a hot topic in the united states.
Me (a random dude in India): NCM;NPM. We have gun laws here in India. We're good.
by Jakradum June 24, 2018
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