Holy shit last week I saw nofx and I shot a constant stream of semen for 10 minutes spraying everyone with the bittersweet necture...
by gorsh dick August 18, 2003
A band that proves punk is not fucking dead. Band includes Eric Melvin who will make you milt yourself every time you see him if you're a girl and maybe even some of you guys out there if you "swing" that way.
by Dude March 11, 2004
1. A band in the now defunct punk scene who knows what they are singing about, an epic and a zenith of music.
2. A group of intelegent people who write halarious and/or political music and happen to play of punk style.
2. A group of intelegent people who write halarious and/or political music and happen to play of punk style.
by Rushisbeatingupjesus January 22, 2004
by JOSH B FROM NEW JERSEY! March 28, 2004
-NOFX is stupid cause they don't sing about girls.
-You're stupid because, well I don't know but you are!
-You're stupid because, well I don't know but you are!
by tintle September 12, 2004
Possibly the greatest punk band very talented for all of those who say they arent Talent NOFX songs:Stickin My Eye,The Decline,Irrationality of Rationality,hobophobic
by Jay July 30, 2003