Spending two nights in a row with a partner. Usually sexual. Usually on weekends (Friday and Saturday).

I just arranged a two-nighter this weekend with my third-hottest girlfriend.
by lupoprodukto April 13, 2022
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Spending an entire night playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl with your friends, in a spirit similar to an all-nighter, usually accompanied by massive amounts of work or study.
Man I didn't get a wink of sleep last night; Me and my buddies held a Brawl-nighter.
by Lutzburg February 19, 2008
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All-Nighters aw-night-ta's


1. The intense practice of prolonged sleep deprivation until the point of insanity; practiced by students preparing for any significant exam or due date; typically utilizes any means necessary to stay awake (e.g. caffeine, vitamin-B complex supplements 5hr energy solution, adderall, or even crack cocaine);
"Dude, I just pulled an all-nighter..."

"I'm about to crap my pants... I have to take this final in an hour, and I don't remember shit from the all-nighters I pulled this week."
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Staying up all night usually done on a friday or saturday night.
when you gather your friends one night and decide to stay up driving around screaming shit out the windows usually driving towards the beach or were ever there is people...ex."Hey BOYS!" or to a couple walking to a club "Hey your sisters hot"...by the end of the night you end up eating at a restaurant thats open 24 hours.After everything is done you end up going home around 8am.
by EMAG July 7, 2005
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having fun all night. Participant(s) are prone to sleepy talk. Home of hallucinations.
Participant #1: Let's have an all-nighter!
P#2: k my computer
by blah blooh pooh 2 April 28, 2011
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Almost the same as All-nighter, bur instead of being awake all night, you end up sleeping 2 hours before the exam.
Man, I pulled a long-nighter yesterday and my eyes are burning.
by El Moro Z December 8, 2017
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