a short freak with with fucked up eyes, a small cone shaped head, unibrow, few wild thin hairs, missing teeth, wrinkled forhead, and uses a potato sac for clothing. most mongoloids dont do anything exept complain and eat. if they are found, they are sold to the circus.
spencer, your a fucking mongoloid
by mongoloid killer June 10, 2008
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A person with caveman-like facial attributes that unintentionally acts as if they have a mental impairment.
After you get two beers into him, he acts like a mongoloid.
by J. Stanard May 19, 2013
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Mongoloid (mahn - go - loyd) n.
1. One whose ancestors are Asian, particularly those from South-East Asia. Derrived from the term Mongol, who were inhabitants of Mongolia, because much of South-East Asia has been conquered by the Mongols, meaning their genetics had spread. This is especially true in places such as China, but not so much in Japan. They are characterised as having round mandibles, often over-bites (or under-bites), large teeth, small eyes, large eyelids, slanted eyes, black hair, and seemingly yellow skin.

2. (Vulgar slang) A person who resembles one with Down syndrome in appearence, lacks intelligence, or both. Called so, because people unfamiliar with Asians may think of them as people with Down syndrome.
1. Why do many people have a disgusting obsession with everything Asian, including female Mongoloids? Truly bizarre, in my opinion.

2. Kim Jong Il is such a fucking mongoloid.
by Amerikaner October 14, 2006
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A person of northern Asian lineage, specifically Mongolia. Chinese, Japanese, people from the indo-chinese nations, and native americans are all mongoloids.
Do chinese people count as caucasian?

Shit no, they're mongoloid.
by Chr February 25, 2007
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One who has significantly sub-par intelligence. This is a derogative term that is usually used towards those with down syndrome. This term was popularized in a DEVO song entitled "Mongoloid." The term comes from the barbaric and uncivilized tendencies of mongolian tribes. It is often incorrectly thought that Mongoloid is a demonym for people from Mongolia. Molgoloid describes a person that behaves like a person from Mongolia, while Mongolian describes those that are actually from the country.
Mongoloid, He was a Mongoloid. One chromosome too many.
by ckenneym June 24, 2007
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2- Derogitory phrase that used to be a term to describe someone with features resebling Mongolians. Considered severly disabled and a hopeless breed, less than an animal. Now known as People who have Down Syndrome.
You should never use the term Mongoloid for anything!
by BG August 3, 2004
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Someone with an extremely low intelligence. See : hecateh
A mongoloid came up to me and beat me up I was in casualty for a week.
by Lesbub January 19, 2003
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