25 definitions by Amerikaner
German for "superior," "super," "over," "above," and "beyond," among other things. As with many German words, the context dictates the proper denotation.
Without the diaresis above the "u," the word must be written as "ueber," otherwise it is improper. "Uber" is no such word; it doesn't exist.
Without the diaresis above the "u," the word must be written as "ueber," otherwise it is improper. "Uber" is no such word; it doesn't exist.
by Amerikaner August 24, 2006
1. A container, which holds ammunition. Unlike a clip, they can be freely removed from the weapon, without ejecting the clip altogether, if such a procedure is able to be executed at all.
Often times, they are confused with "clips." A "clip" is an exposed container of ammunition, always in the form of a stripper clip for rifles and semi-automatic handguns, or a speed-loading clip for revolvers. Saying "clip," rather than "magazine," instantly qualifies you as an ignoramous. Don't do it.
2. A soft, paper booklet, which is sized in standard paper, commonly. Most magazines concern the mundane, such as homes, cars, jewelry, or celebrities. If you read the latter, you are a doucher who is to be exterminated, via firing squad.
Often times, they are confused with "clips." A "clip" is an exposed container of ammunition, always in the form of a stripper clip for rifles and semi-automatic handguns, or a speed-loading clip for revolvers. Saying "clip," rather than "magazine," instantly qualifies you as an ignoramous. Don't do it.
2. A soft, paper booklet, which is sized in standard paper, commonly. Most magazines concern the mundane, such as homes, cars, jewelry, or celebrities. If you read the latter, you are a doucher who is to be exterminated, via firing squad.
1. Call it a clip again, you son of a bitch, and I'll bash your fucking head in with this here magazine, until the trauma has rendered you in a comatose, if not dead, and the rounds have all discharged into your ear, or are on the ground.
2. Playboy and Penthouse are such splendid magazines, though I too like PCGamer US.
2. Playboy and Penthouse are such splendid magazines, though I too like PCGamer US.
by Amerikaner August 24, 2006
A cartoon on Newgrounds - one which parodies The Ultimate Showdown (of Ultimate Destiny). It is vile, yet has an odd, humorous appeal. I advise you don't watch it, though if you do, you'll bust your ass laughing. Consider yourself warned.
Full title: The Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality.
Full title: The Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality.
Old Godzilla was fucking around
Tokyo City like a big playground,
when suddenly Batman jizzed from the shade,
and hit Godzilla with a bat-cum spray...
... This is the Ultimate Orgy,
of Homosexuality...
... Cue porno music, a funky, jive chorus.
Down from the heavens, came naked Chuck Norris.
Who discovered a dick as hard as bones,
attached to the crotch of Indiana Jones,
who bent over on the ground, smiling with glee,
as Batman changed into Ron Jeremy...
... The champion stood,
the women got wetter,
Mr. Rogers, in a cum-stained sweater...
Tokyo City like a big playground,
when suddenly Batman jizzed from the shade,
and hit Godzilla with a bat-cum spray...
... This is the Ultimate Orgy,
of Homosexuality...
... Cue porno music, a funky, jive chorus.
Down from the heavens, came naked Chuck Norris.
Who discovered a dick as hard as bones,
attached to the crotch of Indiana Jones,
who bent over on the ground, smiling with glee,
as Batman changed into Ron Jeremy...
... The champion stood,
the women got wetter,
Mr. Rogers, in a cum-stained sweater...
by Amerikaner October 14, 2006
The famous composer of "The Matrix" score. His music is especially heavy in strings, such as violins, but percussion or vocals make occasional appearances in the music, as do some electronica elements (mainly due to corroborations with Juno Reactor). He also composed for other films, but his works in The Matrix are considered his magnum opus.
by Amerikaner November 6, 2006
A Korn song, released in 2005, on their newest album, See You on the Other Side. According to me, it's one of their best songs on the album.
It's Twisted Transistor, you tard, not "twist3d transictor."
Twisted Transistor owns noobs.
Hey you, hey you,
devil's little sister,
listening to your twisted transistor.
Hold it between your legs,
turn it up, turn it up.
Low-end is coming through,
can't get enough.
A lonely life,
where no one understands you,
but don't give up,
because the music do.
Music do, music do.
Because the music do,
and it is reaching inside you,
forever preaching.
Fuck you too,
your scream's a whisper.
Hang on you;
twisted transistor.
Hey you, hey you,
finally you get it.
The world ain't fair;
eat you, if you let it.
And as your tears fall on
your breasts, your dress,
vibrations coming through,
you're in a mess.
A lonely life,
where no one understands you,
but don't give up,
because the music do.
Music do, music do.
Because the music do,
and it is reaching inside you,
forever preaching.
Fuck you too,
your scream's a whisper.
Hang on you;
twisted transistor.
Hey you, hey you,
this won't hurt a bit.
(This won't hurt a bit,
this won't hurt.)
Says who, says who?
Anasthetize this bitch!
Just let me between you,
let me - don't fit.
Music do,
and it is reaching inside you,
forever preaching.
Fuck you too,
your scream's a whisper.
Hang on you;
twisted transistor.
Twisted Transistor owns noobs.
Hey you, hey you,
devil's little sister,
listening to your twisted transistor.
Hold it between your legs,
turn it up, turn it up.
Low-end is coming through,
can't get enough.
A lonely life,
where no one understands you,
but don't give up,
because the music do.
Music do, music do.
Because the music do,
and it is reaching inside you,
forever preaching.
Fuck you too,
your scream's a whisper.
Hang on you;
twisted transistor.
Hey you, hey you,
finally you get it.
The world ain't fair;
eat you, if you let it.
And as your tears fall on
your breasts, your dress,
vibrations coming through,
you're in a mess.
A lonely life,
where no one understands you,
but don't give up,
because the music do.
Music do, music do.
Because the music do,
and it is reaching inside you,
forever preaching.
Fuck you too,
your scream's a whisper.
Hang on you;
twisted transistor.
Hey you, hey you,
this won't hurt a bit.
(This won't hurt a bit,
this won't hurt.)
Says who, says who?
Anasthetize this bitch!
Just let me between you,
let me - don't fit.
Music do,
and it is reaching inside you,
forever preaching.
Fuck you too,
your scream's a whisper.
Hang on you;
twisted transistor.
by Amerikaner August 27, 2006
A beautiful, powerful rifle, based on the classic M1 .30-06 "Garand." In its standard form, it has wooden furnishings, peep hole sights, a 22" barrel, a .308 Winchester (7.62x51mm) bore, and 20-round magazines.
It uses a gas-diversion system, with a rotating bolt, which has two locking lugs. While it featured a fully-automatic function, this was generally not used, due to the muzzle deviation produced by the recoil, which lent to user inaccuracies. In its semi-automatic fire mode, however, it is a very accurate weapon, even without an accurized barrel.
Modern variants include the M21, M25, and M14 DMR (Designated Marksmans' Rifle), all of which are still in use by the United States' Army and Marine Corps. All of the above are strictly semi-automatic, outfitted with scopes, accurized barrels, match-grade sights, improved triggers, and generally include synthetic furnishings. Some even have picatinny and fore grip rails. There are also civilian versions, called the M1A, by the privately-owned Springfield Armory, which has no connections to the government-run firearms maker, which was shutdown in 1968, by the DoD.
It uses a gas-diversion system, with a rotating bolt, which has two locking lugs. While it featured a fully-automatic function, this was generally not used, due to the muzzle deviation produced by the recoil, which lent to user inaccuracies. In its semi-automatic fire mode, however, it is a very accurate weapon, even without an accurized barrel.
Modern variants include the M21, M25, and M14 DMR (Designated Marksmans' Rifle), all of which are still in use by the United States' Army and Marine Corps. All of the above are strictly semi-automatic, outfitted with scopes, accurized barrels, match-grade sights, improved triggers, and generally include synthetic furnishings. Some even have picatinny and fore grip rails. There are also civilian versions, called the M1A, by the privately-owned Springfield Armory, which has no connections to the government-run firearms maker, which was shutdown in 1968, by the DoD.
The M14 is such a great rifle, I dare say.
This is my rifle; this is my gun. This is for fighting; this is for fun.
This is my rifle; this is my gun. This is for fighting; this is for fun.
by Amerikaner September 10, 2006
An insane mother fucker, who later influenced the name of the band Marilyn Manson. He is a nazi, white supremacist, hippy (ironic, eh), sex fiend, bisexual, cultist, and serial murderer, all in one. Never thought a man could be that much? Well, he's that much, and more. He's short, aggressive, and spontaneous, too, among other things.
He and/or his cronies - otherwise known as his brain-washed, equally crazed, hippy followers - killed, according to their claims, 35 people, mainly in Los Angeles, California.
He and/or his cronies - otherwise known as his brain-washed, equally crazed, hippy followers - killed, according to their claims, 35 people, mainly in Los Angeles, California.
You see that unkempt, bearded, bald-headed, foaming-at-the-mouth fucker leaning over the table, shouting in your face, with his hands cuffed behind his back? That's Charles Manson. He's serving life in prison.
by Amerikaner August 26, 2006