
when something is yours, or a pit or a colliery for mining coal n gold n iron n stuff out the ground, they call miners or anyone from a mining village "the pitmen",
jimmy: aye up ol pal, that mine, keep yer'ands off it!!
john the theif: it warr me

jimmy: I wish they'd reopen the mines, then everybody would have a job
johnny: arr I know, lorrove unemployment since they shut em!!
by paul hinton December 9, 2005
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mine, not urs bitch so back the fuck off alien looking ass gimme my tide pod pack and do some hentai
Hes mine, Hoe.
by HEHEHHEEHE August 4, 2018
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by creepa July 9, 2003
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MINE is a freak.......
mine, i<3 you!

by ...... September 19, 2004
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Mines Mine

1) Mines mine- (possessive noun)
Something or someone that is COMPLETELY YOURS.

by Hisbitch25 October 3, 2019
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