by runnerguy39 May 31, 2019
by shrek is our lord and saviour October 2, 2018
by CJ January 7, 2004
A wonder full girl who will beat your ass if you mess with her. People talk shit about her and she just brushes it off. Because the people are to pussy to speak to her face because they know she will get decked. Been through people backstabbing her but she knows fakes from true friends so watch your mouth before she fucks up your face
She is also kind caring and smart if you are on her good side. She can be one of the best people you ever meet
She is also kind caring and smart if you are on her good side. She can be one of the best people you ever meet
by No_fake_facts May 8, 2019
The act of getting someone to Reveal secrets about them self without you directly asking about those secrets.
Or getting someone to confirm a rumor without directly asking about the rumor.
Or getting someone to confirm a rumor without directly asking about the rumor.
“I was mining Rachel to confirm some juicy gossip I heard last week. I just needed to confirm it was true or not true” -Allie
by People are gross!!! September 11, 2018
Ohh fuck me...I'm totally mined in with all this work!
Fuck, what's the deal with all this dirt?!
Fuck, what's the deal with all this dirt?!
by Mike234234234 August 24, 2007