"๐ท๐ธ๐ฝ ๐๐ธ๐พ๐ป๐ผ. ๐ถ๐ฒ๐ท๐ฎ"
by xmoonlightgrande July 9, 2019
by Jossy01 June 20, 2017
Man: Wow! I found a cool pencil! I might as well just slip it in my pocket
Man: Oh, I'm sorry young man - wait... wahh??
Man: Oh, I'm sorry young man - wait... wahh??
by Khayos December 5, 2007
The process by which a female descends along a male shaft for long hours of hard labour. The process often occurs in darkness and can bring sweat to the skin.
On several occasions in the 19th century females were described as mining so much that a baby boom was in full flow. At the end of the 20th century it became legal to mine without a hard hat. Some often describe the process as a slag tipping it, noticeable figures that would mine up to 10 shafts a night and soon became encompassed with the catchphrase 'Mining? Whatcha say?'
On several occasions in the 19th century females were described as mining so much that a baby boom was in full flow. At the end of the 20th century it became legal to mine without a hard hat. Some often describe the process as a slag tipping it, noticeable figures that would mine up to 10 shafts a night and soon became encompassed with the catchphrase 'Mining? Whatcha say?'
by crash into a van July 28, 2010
A skill in the worldwide known game, Runescape. It has been known to cause suicide and/or brain trama, being as long and tedious as it is. Respect anyone who has the highest level.
by Runescape User July 16, 2009
by Hunter Tadin June 28, 2020