23 definitions by paul hinton

The propaganda machine of the fourth reich. They do anything they can to make the british people look like pussies, even though most of the people who own holliwood are jewish, and fail to relise that we the british helped save their arses in world war two.
hollywood need a good arse kickin, they need a good old beating from old glory.

jimmy: hey
yank: do british people have bad teeth and gay?
jimmy: you've been watching to much hollywood
yank: you know we yanks droped the bouncing bomb on the damns
jimmy: youve been watching too much hollywood,
yank: english people are gay and have gay accents
jimmy: only upperclass people are like that, youve been watching too much hollywood,
by paul hinton April 30, 2006
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a county, staffordshire, yorkshire, lincolnshire, its also the name of a big work pony, called the shyre oss or shire horse or just shire pony, counties in the former english colonies are also called shires
I'm from a small village in the south stafford"shire" coal feilds,
by paul hinton December 9, 2005
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some pussy yankee joke that aye even funny, and they too coward to say yo dada, cause they know you beat the shit out of em if they did.
yo mama,
yes i'm his mom your takin about and I'll beat the shit out you.
by paul hinton May 15, 2006
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a big company that gave whitney huston' a lift with that vibes sound
ahh hear that yamaha dx sound,
yeah I know, its awesome
by paul hinton May 1, 2006
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its not really australian as such, origonally men of the english black country, us working class midlanders always uses this word insteda saying "oh god", white ausies musta borrowed the word from our prisoners.
john: oh crikey, walsall are loosing, why dow they get the ball out to the em,
mick: I know, they bloody hopeless
by paul hinton May 5, 2006
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to get pissed, kaylied, blathered, wrecked, to get drunk, origonated from english pissheads and said anywhere where english folk have been, the irish who speak english, and aussies say it aswel. the gaelic would be a shousha. other ways a sayin pissed, kaylied, blathered, drunk, pissed up,

theres the english saying "ya carr organise a piss up in a brewery"
means you can't do shit.
English: yo wanna goo for a pissup, c'mon get kaylied
irish man: Iye les'ave a shousha
cockney: ya gettin brahms n list, arl join ya alwhite.
aussie: ahhhyeah, arrm pissfit alrighte
welshe:ire gonna gert me a pynte
irish man: ahhhhh I dunno where d'fu Iam
aussie: ahhhh me neitha, pissed up
welshe: where the fu am I, who am I
english: now thats a piss up,

by paul hinton May 3, 2006
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when something is yours, or a pit or a colliery for mining coal n gold n iron n stuff out the ground, they call miners or anyone from a mining village "the pitmen",
jimmy: aye up ol pal, that mine, keep yer'ands off it!!
john the theif: it warr me

jimmy: I wish they'd reopen the mines, then everybody would have a job
johnny: arr I know, lorrove unemployment since they shut em!!
by paul hinton December 9, 2005
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