
Going to the mall with a large group of people with no intention of buying anything.
"Lets go malling and make the dudes try on shit at wet seal!"
by Lovelytoes December 9, 2006
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THe act of going, hanging out, and shopping at a mall.
by Master Yoda April 24, 2005
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The favorite German place for vacation and Absturz
“Hey men where do you want to go in summer break?” “To Malle of course” “nice we could listen there to Helene Fischer and have a kritischer Alkoholkonsum”
by Zivilcourage January 23, 2021
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To lose online video gaming LANS at local shopping malls.
Mutiny Gaming got malled at the last CyberZone LAN going 0-2.
by widescreen October 11, 2006
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The Mall

A place for people with absolutely no taste what-so-ever and ultimate boredom; A hang out for fake goths, wannabe scene queens, skaters, and hot emo guys; A world where designers have no sense of style or creativity and skate stores these days are just trying too hard; Where being unique and "individuality" is equivalent to stereotypes.
The mall is way too overrated; scene chicks need to get a life; "Hollister", "Journey For Kidzz", "Gromshop"; There's no such thing as being "different" anymore
by Zero the Dark Angel January 11, 2009
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on a male the malle is the part of the body between the balls and the asshole..its a little hole right there and many people dont even know its there...on a female the malle is right between the pussy hole and the asshole..
I was having sex with my girlfriend and i accidently poked her malle.
by Crone December 13, 2007
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to go shopping with friends, family, rivals, whoever the hell u feel like going with.
-"Where were you yesterday?"
-"I went malling with, Stephanie!"
by KiKi-Mishi January 20, 2008
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