happy go lucky, fun loving, always willing to take a chance in life and love. You are well loved by family and friends and a good choice to inviet to parties cause you always make them fun
by mimomi February 5, 2010
by clams mcgavin October 19, 2007
by hahalyall March 16, 2008
A Neat, interesting, and mysterious person, good at deceiving others, But besides that an awesome person who can fool anyone into believing him.
by Shawnthesheep1839 December 7, 2018
Guy1: You see that blonde guy last night?
Guy2: Yeah man what about him?
Guy1: He is such a lyall man.
Guy2: Yeah man what about him?
Guy1: He is such a lyall man.
by Acro Molecular Pulsar Fiel. July 1, 2011
Susan Lyall is a movie star who experiments with life on mars.
by CrackshackRULES January 30, 2009
A boy who grew from a rat. He is scrawny and not likable. Theo is a 'white' boy. A 'Theo Lyall' thinks he is amazing at everything but generally isn't.
by WhiteboardPosterboard March 14, 2018