We're a small company with few assets, so to succeed in the short term, we need to go after the low-hanging fruit.
by amsk January 5, 2005
Girls who are somewhat hot - but not too hot, and who often work in posiitons of high public interaction but with low-barriers-to-entry, thus making them open and attractive targets on the one hand, but often self conscious and/or harboring self esteem issues on the other. This, as a whole, makes them susceptible and quite receptive to any overtures from the opposite sex. I.e., They are the easiest of fruit to pick.
Salty just can't stop picking that low-hanging fruit, he just brought home his fifth receptionist this motnh.
by txt April 6, 2008
Boy He Has Some low-hanging fruit
by KingSparta July 11, 2008
In Gaming lingo: options that just didn't make the gold disc sent to the publisher and were finished between the gold phase and the retail release date. Therefore they usually get added in the first patch of a game (which is usually released very close or even before the retail release date).
by Sneltrekker November 4, 2006
Describes a buxom gal's "melons" dat are fairly "loose 'n' limp" instead of being tautly-firm and perky, and so they droop down and wobble around whenever she bends over.
During our intimacy-sessions in bed, I love asking Tiffany to go down on all fours and position her torso overtop of me so dat I can reach up and savor her low-hanging fruit.
by QuacksO March 31, 2021
by I, Wreckerrr October 21, 2020
by Ray Babycakes July 20, 2006