lkjhgfdsa I'm friggin bored! lkjhgfdsa
by orangefreek January 30, 2008
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it's when you're so sad that you say....
i'm so lkjhgfdsa :(
by qscguk February 10, 2018
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asdfghjkl; backwards. For when you're a loser with nothin to do.
Gosh im so lifeless! i'll type ;lkjhgfdsa cuz asdfghjkl; is boring me!
by oh geez its a milkshake June 14, 2010
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did a cat step on your key bord or are you that dum
bank; jaresamocadodal
by god man gabriel October 16, 2020
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A word commonly used, just slide your finger from key "A" to key ";" and back to key "A".
by Katie Byrd November 8, 2017
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A last ditch effort to find something interesting of the web. AKA the final stage of complete and absolute boredom.(Did you really think that this would bring up anything different that all of the other meaningless stuff you typed in to get to this point wouldn't?)
Person 1) Dude what should I do I'm so bored.
Person 2) Did you type in the entire keyboard into google yet?
Person 1) Yeah.
Person 2) Backwards?
Person 1) Done that already.
Person 2) what about backwards, but hold down shift the entire time, like this- ?><MNBVCXZ":LKJHGFDSA|}{POIUYTREWQ+_)(*&^%$#@!
Person 1) Damn man now you're getting somewhere here, lemme see.
Person 2) What did it bring up?
Person 1) Ah, nothing, just some stupid link to the Urban Dictionary where someone even more bored than me wrote an entire definition and storyline about it.
Person 2) What a loser.
Person 1) Yeah...
by APointlessFunnyGuy November 27, 2018
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