by xxxaceyxxx September 19, 2018
You have lost all sanity. It is gone. Poof. No more. Just trying to find a new combination of letters in urban dictionary. And you have failed once again. Because I got here first.
Person 1: I'm kinda bored
Person 2: qawsedrftgyhujikolp;.,mnbvcxz
*And person 1 now no longer exists because you have transcended from this plane of existence*
Person 2: qawsedrftgyhujikolp;.,mnbvcxz
*And person 1 now no longer exists because you have transcended from this plane of existence*
by Mistysocks May 23, 2022
by fre sha vaca do February 4, 2017
Congratulations! You just reached the ultimate boredom. You have written everything possible with your keyboard, so now you are doing it again with caps lock on.
- I added !"#¤%&/()=POIUYTREWQASDFGHJKL_:;MNBVCXZ> to Urban Dictionary!
- Don't you have anything better to do?
- Don't you have anything better to do?
by Tactical Boneman October 1, 2021
when you go right to left on a keyboard and second row from left to right and last row from right to left.
by fdxc nmjgfc January 25, 2018
when you're so bored in class that you try every combination of every letter in the qwerty keyboard.
by TwiistedElite March 21, 2023
Help! Boredom is taking me away! *sees keyboard* :3 `1234567890-=\poiuytrewqasdfghjkl;'/.,mnbvcxz~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{POIUYTREWQASDFGHJKL:"?><MNBVCXZ
by dinosaur shit UwU February 20, 2020