
1.makes you the happiest person in the world
2.saves your life by telling you good news or good information
Kiera your my lifesaver!
Omgosh you are such a lifesaver!!
by stiney June 1, 2006
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1. A friend or any other person who just helped you in an emergency or difficult situation

2. Generally, a reliable friend who you can always count on to help you out or to say yes when you ask for a favor
Thank you so much for fixing my car, man, you're a real lifesaver!
by via-44 July 30, 2012
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Tim was caught cheating during an exam.

Prof: "Tim?!"
Tim: "I can explain, I wasn't cheating, was a lifesaver"
by ranger_PF December 20, 2009
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the act of 5 girls providing oral to one individual with different colored lipsticks.
Man, last night Nisha, Ojal, Pragyamti, Padmaja, and Noor gave me a great lifesaver!
by habib patel January 31, 2009
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LifeSavers, a delicious candy.

Comes in hard and soft.
LifeSavers comes in all different colo(u)rs, they're good to chew, eat and/or bite.
by Mysti March 11, 2008
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Things some blokes such to help them quit smoking.
guy 1: Lifesavers helped me quit smoking.
guy 2: Yeah, lucky you like near the beach.
by kam75xx June 8, 2018
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A sexual act when several females with different colored lipsticks give a man oral sex at different levels of his shaft, leaving behind a rainbow of rings. Visually similar to the candy life savers
That was the best anniversary gift ever. My wife got all her friends to give me a lifesaver. Taste the rainbow!!
by Spkdamonkey December 4, 2016
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