A very tall and handsome boy. Very funny and has a good heart. Is known for having a large penis...supposedly. Is very intelligent and has a huge head. He's the best person you'll ever meet and is a joy to be around. Very popular and is well-liked. Can be absent minded but can give great advice. Always keeps it real.
by the realest golden kid November 8, 2017
he is a sweet and kind person he has alot of hair that is the cutest he has the cutest nose in the world he is loyal and understands peoples feelings
by sweetheart1234 September 27, 2018
by dirtydan69420 October 23, 2019
a little "city" where everybody knows everybody someway somehow. and everyone talks shit about everybody. full of dominicans and puertoricans. and mad boring.
by lawtown1 August 19, 2008
by Shfdtda March 14, 2017