
Something completely and udderly stupid, a waste of time, boring
1) My chemistry class was lame-o today!
2) That geek in my class is lame-o!
by yo-what-is-up-my-dawg November 1, 2003
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use to describe a lame person.
or a lame activity

adam you are such a lame-o.
adam played that flute like a lame-o.

Blair: adam's cat has no eyes or legs
Greensmith: thats lame but not as lame as me
Blair: yeah, youare a super lame-o
by blair_p August 10, 2006
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A person who in the embodiment of the word lame.
Lives breathes and speaks stupidity.
Often know to bake apple pies.
Person 1: "You know Samantha spells lame-o lamo?"

Person 2: "I know right? What a lame-o."
by Capo da Don March 8, 2007
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1.Used to define a person acting incredibly stupid.
2.A person not agreeing to something
1. "I can't believe I lost a $20 bill. I'm such a lame-o!"
2. "Just come with us. Don't be a lame-o!"
by Angelica February 11, 2004
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1. Someone who emits lameness.
2. Something who emits lameness.
"I can't believe that (person) wet his pants again. What a lame-o."

"My computer crashed on me last night. Talk about lame-o."
by ecofreako13 July 16, 2010
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the feeling you get when you find out that mystery google no longer exists
When Ellie typed in "what happened to mystery google" on google after failed attempts to go on the site she found out it was taken down and replaced with she felt like that was totally Lame-o
by that's lame-o March 20, 2010
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