The more pleasurable parts of the female anatomy
her labia was such that she could pull them over her head and turn herself into a redback spider
by FistyTheFerret July 26, 2005
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A beautiful place to rest ones head. Alternatively, two brown leathery objects that look like a couriers paniers.
I parted her labia with my manhood (& then wrote a letter to Men Only.)
by jadio u no August 15, 2003
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The flacid skin sorrouding a woman's vagina. Also known as "horizontal lips" or the "pussy door."
"Shut your cuntass face before I tear your labia off and feed them up your ass."
by Wang Hang Lo June 17, 2003
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Her labia hung down so far that she decided to get her piss flaps surgically reduced.
by John R. January 3, 2004
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Short for "lab" (pronounce lay-b) A word applied to a very strong individual or the great level of strength, bravery or determination required to complete a task or other undertaking. Refers to the unmatched toughness of the female genitals. Can also substitute with "pussy".
"This trucks got so much labia, imma gonna hang a pair of ovaries on the hitch!"
"I can't seem to muster up enough labia to tell this girl I like her"

"Sending a little lab to my babe on her first day of work"
by You My Muse October 25, 2017
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1- The skin around the vagina.

2- What was sewn together by nature in male embryos to produce the ball-sack.

3- (figurative) Balls.
"I wish she had the LABIA to disagree with her friends."
by Vaginal January 22, 2007
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