A very very rare sighting of a beaver like animal with a mullet...it was seen in the back woods in southern kentucky...it had very large buck teeth and the people were not sure if it was a hillbilly that had moved into the wild or a very large beaver with a mullet.
Gosh dangit Cletus did u done jush saw that there massive beaverish lookin animal...i thinked it musta have tha same hair cut as myself...and much like the teeth i got in my perty lookin mouth.
by Andrew July 20, 2003
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When you rapidly sniffle at somebody. If you do this, many people will think you are strange.
Person 1: *kerfuffles at friend*
Person 2: Um... what are you doing?
Person 1: Kerfuffling you! DUH!!!
Person 2: *awkwardly slides away*
by Nunna YourBiz January 19, 2017
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When you have a very big mess on your hand, like a VERY BIG mess, seriously you should look for help for this.
A: "Hey can you help me with my Fuckle Kerfuffle?"
B: "No way man, I also have a Fuckle Kerfuffle on my hand!"
by Gamsung Salaxy October 22, 2019
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When you and your sister eat so much peyote you think that you've swapped bodies to which you figure the only way to reverse it is to have hardcore anal sex with each other also being joined by your uncle herbert!!!!!!!!
i wish me and my sister did the alaskan kerfuffle she's, just so hot!
Last night me and my uncle ate so much peyote we alaskan kerfuffled
by Thic WhipperSnapper September 28, 2018
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Combination of "truffle butter" and "kerfuffle," meaning any life situation in which shit is really messed up and in total disarray.
How's your job going, bro?

Dude, it's total kerfuffle butter right now at my job: Paychecks are late, the VP is thinking of quitting, someone just filed a lawsuit against the company, and customers are bailing by the boatloads.
by Ae5Ea8 April 7, 2015
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This is a combination of both made up and non-made up words, used to ruin your friends English project when viewing their work on google docs.
My friends wrote "Oh bird oh bird" so I edited it to "Oh thirstily kerfuffled bird".
by Kevin, Bob, and Steve May 20, 2022
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