A juggalette is a big part of a Juggalo's life, without us, they would be alone. We help them out and are down for life. What ever they need we give. We are down through thick and thin.
Juggalettes Live for there Juggalos
by Juggalette_Britt June 2, 2007
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The female name for a member of the music group ICP. Also sounds like Juggalo However Juggalo is male, hince the reason for Juggalette.
Juggalettes are known for standing up for themselves. They backup there homies,(friends/family) when they need them. You will see juggalettes in sometimes large groups, they also tend to hang with there Juggalos as well. The biggest gathering of these two groups is done once a year, its called "The Gathering of the Juggalos" Also Juggalettes are prown to being rather tough. If not careful you might find an axe threw your forhead. Juggalettes make up a large part of ICP fans. You may also find "MINI" groups in different states. Examples, TCJ/TCN this stands for "Top-City Juggalos, and Top-City Ninjettes" Just beware that if you step to one juggalette you step to about 50 or more. Juggalos and Juggalettes are skilled in the art of hidding and being an all out Ninja. We can be very hard to find.
If you hear the word TWIZTIDLETTE that is the name for girls who are not only ICP fans but TWIZTIDfans,which is another band sighned by Psycopathic Records these are the two man FEMALE names given by the groups
"Bitch show a juggalette respect you don't wanna tustle with a down ninjette"

"Now Shut you ass up and let the juggalette sing"

Some Songs about juggalettes (and or there neden)

Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy & Popsicles

Spin the Bottle

The Neden game

by Miss E October 6, 2007
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a juggalette is hard to define just like being a juggalo being a juggalette doesnt JUST mean your down with the clown it means you live the lifestyle and listen to any artist on psychopathic records and even other music ,and it means your not a fake ass bitch who goes around like "yeahh im a juggalette fuck with me ill fuck you up",NO, in reality if you are a juggalette you wouldnt give a fuck what other people say,and juggalettes arent all fat ugly sluts, im not fat and im not ugly and im not a slut, so people who go around dissing on juggalettes saying their fat and ugly and shit really just cant grasp what theyre talking aboutt. But anyways im rambling, juggalettes respect juggalos and they got love for them and dont go around fuckin mad dudes cause they say theyre juggalos ,juggalettes treat the juggalos like theyre homies and family not like some boy toy just cause they say theyre juggalos and if you ever met any of the wicked clowns or anyone from psychopathic you wouldnt be all over them youd be treating them like homies ,also your not a juggalette or a juggalo just because you listen to the music , that means your just a fan,being a juggalette means you live the life style like i said earlier and your with your family through life through anything, and youd fight for your fellow family members even if you dont know who they are,pretty much being a jugalette means your down with the clown and you get the lifestyle and follow the dark carnival and have the mentality of fellow juggalos and juggalettes
WHOOP WHOOP! juggalette for life.
on the wicked shit forever fam!
by *H~jugalette~C* February 26, 2008
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A juggalette is down with the clown and supports the family 110%. We can be ugly, skinny, fat & pretty it dont matter the family will always have our back and we'll have theres ALWAYS! We dont take shit from NOBODY. We dont go around picking fights with people unless you piss us off then you should be scared! A TRUE juggalette knows what it's like to be an outkast. We enjoy all the people that are part of the psychopathic records && FAYGO but thats not all we listen to and that's not the only drink we like. Were not sluts or whores or anything else were just us and were great.
Bitch show a juggalette respect!...
You dun wana tussle wit a done ninjette
by xwiicked_LETTEx June 28, 2009
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a juggalette is a female fan of icp twiztid abk kmk and ect. they dont take shit from any bitches who talk trash and they kno who their real famliy is the juggalo family they stand behind juggalos 210% for all they do u cant stop them then live breathe and die for the carnival
im a fucken juggalette if u dont like me then u can fuck off
by HARDCORE juggalette August 7, 2007
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A juggalette is a pyschopathic records fan.
by juggalette9603 July 9, 2009
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Lets get things set straight here bitches! A jugalette dont give a shit what other bitches think bout them! Any of you who juge us are just extremely jealous that you dont have this fuckin bad ass family that will stick by you til the end! We are homies all across the world and it dont matter if we have met each other or not Juggalos and Juggalettes stick by each other no matter what! We are all down with the clown! We never die mother fuckers so we are fuckin here to stay so you little scardy bitches who think that we are freaks you just better get used to seein us around mother fuckas cause no matter where you go there will always be a Juggalo or Juggalette there!!!!
wicked clowns never die bitches!!! Juggalos and Juggalettes are here to stay!!!
by juggalolovergrl March 19, 2008
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