(Verb) The act of propelling multiple small pieces of poo out of the anus in rapid succession.
John was constipated ,but after eating at Chipotla he spent the rest of the day jiffy popping.
by AWESOME PRO BEARD August 8, 2012
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Abdul: I see they took Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Bill: Yes, poor jiffy pop head.
by cut the cards March 26, 2023
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A large pubic bush on a woman. So big it makes her panties appear to rise, like Jiffy Pop Popcorn.
I thought she was fine till I saw that Jiffy Pop in her drawers.
by Fat Nik April 23, 2003
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pop-corn that comes in a foil pie dish and is meant to be cooked over a fire whilst camping.
Junior: "Hey ma' cook me up some jiffy-pop!"

Mother: "Jr. I thought I told you too much jiffy-pop will give you the gonnereah!"

Junior: "Ah dang!"
by diseased sheep July 8, 2006
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Getting your period at an extremely inconvenient time, then trying to be subtle while explaining it to a man who just isn’t getting it.
I got jiffy Popped the other day in class, and the teacher didn’t understand when I said “my Aunt Flo came to visit”
by family guy 772 August 11, 2018
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A particularly large, hairy bush, reminiscent of the old Jiffy-Pop popcorn which was heated on the stove. It was a foil pie pan with aluminum foil on top. Inside was popping corn and oil, and when put over flame, exploded into a metallic afro of sorts, filled with popcorn!
"Dude, look at the bulge in her slacks! I bet that motherfucker has a jiffy-pop!"
by jdog1096 May 22, 2005
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A large teased up balloon-like hair style finished smooth with a several coats of hair spray. Maintenance requires wearing a plastic rain bonnet or flimsy nyson scarf for outdoor activities or driving, special neck support pillows to elevate one's head above the sleep surface for nighttime protection (see Sunday newspaper supplement), frequent hand smoothing and mirror cross-checks to confirm finish integrity and global symmetry, and regular Saturday morning salon makeovers.
We had great seats for the wedding until those two jiffy pops took the seats in front of us.

Not tonight--my jiffy pop might crack.
by Tom Sr. October 21, 2005
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