
A girl who is ignored despite having underated hotness due to temporary problems such as being overweight, having braces, having acne, etc.
While others ignore her you flirt with her slightly off and on until the day comes when she becomes the hottie you expected her to be.
Greg: dude that girl got hot this summer.
Jon: yea my investment finally paid off.
by Guru Master July 2, 2006
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I just lost 100 bucks from investing in the stock market. I'm gonna put $100 more in, I'm sure I'll do better this time!
by mad5793 February 26, 2015
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To fill a building or premises with paying patreons for the purposes of a paranormal investigation.
We were impressed with last night's investation for our paranormal investigation. They really filled the place.
by Hauntedchick September 21, 2020
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emotionally invested

Caring for someone to the point of vulnerability knowingly your going to get hurt at some point by them yet still taking the chance to be connected and is something we should not jump into or let it happen lightly. Not necessarily a romantic sexual feeling
I care very deeply for you and believe we'll always be Emotionally connected.
I feel emotionally invested in your life
by Realthoughts December 22, 2016
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Investment Bang

when you link a girl who isn't particularly hot, at the moment, because you can tell she will be hot in a couple of years, because then you can 'cash in' on the investment when she's fucking buff as fuck

or in short

the act of securing sex with a member of the opposite sex who shows potential to be very attractive in future years with a view to securing future action when 'the chedder has matured'
by Rob and Rob September 17, 2007
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investment biker

n. 1.A person who attempts to hide their button-down, 9-5 life by dressing in leather and riding a motocycle on the weekend.

{conjunction of "investment banker" and "biker"; coined by Jon of Austin, TX}
That guy on the Harley sporting the latest J. Crew closed-toe sandle is such an investment biker.
by Jon June 6, 2004
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Lazy investment

When you do something super active and unlazy so you can be lazy later. Pretty much, do it now, get it over with so you don't have to do anything later.
Chad: Yo I just did the whole school year's worth of homework so I don't have to do it during the year!

Chad 2: So you did a Lazy Investment?

Chad: Yeah dude

Chad 2: Sick dude
by CR1SPY_B01 March 23, 2020
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