a person who lives far away from the beach and when at the beach, acts like a kook. normally from areas such as river side, hawaiin gardens etc.
that girl is wearing a T-Shirt in the ocean....must be an inlander.
by Klimp May 13, 2015
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An increasingly common species due to a combination of burgeoning overpopulation and global warming.
Our little peninsula is regularly completely overtaken by tribes of zombie inlanders all the way from Fresno to San Jose, trying to catch a cool ocean breeze on the weekend.
by Dr Bunnygirl August 12, 2019
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Area encompassing San Bernardino and Riverside counties in southern California, also known derogatively as "The 909"
by John March 6, 2003
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A region which contains cities from the San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.

Also known as the I.E
The Inland Empire is between L.A. County and San Bernardino County.
by Jay March 8, 2005
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The area between Pamona and Beaumont and is usually referred to as the IE. The overall valley is a haven of cheap homes, which lures lower income families to migrate from Los Angeles to the heart of the IE (San Bernardino). San Bernardino has a reputation of being "ghetto" or "trashy" and has a high crime rate, which has spread to other cities in the IE.
I'm from Rialto, and trust me the Inland Empire is ghetto.
by Inland Empire May 12, 2015
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A region in Southern California including: San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and parts of Los Angeles County and Orange County.
Parts in/near San Bernardino City are the worst parts, as this is a devastatingly abandoned and "ghetto" desert area. The areas closest to the actual city of San Bernardino have many old time connections to the Hells Angels, notorious gangs, and the mafia.
Many times small regions are landlocked by mountains, hills, and highways. This makes for easy to enforce gang territory. Interstate 15 and 215 are two of the most convenient ways for people to travel to Las Vegas. This should help understand the L.A. connection to Las Vegas better.
The zodiac killer is believed to have killed multiple people in these areas along the 15/215, and also in the Riverside area.
The western parts get less desert influenced and more Los Angeles/Hispanic influence. Pomona would probably be the furthest west that people consider to be a part of the IE.
The southern parts along Riverside, Corona, and the areas closer to Orange County are more influenced by Caucasians and whites. These people inhabit the less-dangerous parts of the regions. and "bros" as they call them. Many of these people are similar to rural southerners in their style of "trashiness". They drive lifted trucks, wear hats,wear jersey tank tops. These areas are more city-influenced and are generally have very active street scenes.
Have you ever heard of the Inland Empire?
by mexicanfire July 18, 2015
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The inland empire (inland southern california), or "IE" as locals call it, spans riverside and san bernardino counties, and parts of LA and SD counties. This is the region of California that any travel agencies or colleges just don't want the rest of the world to know about. The culture there condones and encourages racism, sexism, and every kind of bigotry. Education is not viewed as something to expand knowledge, but rather to get money to buy another raised up truck. If you have ever watched "Idiocracy" by Mike Judge, this region would strike home in a frighteningly accurate way. People there are just as belligerent as they are stupid and unwelcoming to new people and ideas. Also, this region is home to "bros" and "bro hos". Looking up those as well will give you a much better idea about the IE too. All in all, living here, you'll get every drawback of big city living, but none of the advantages. If you live there, for the love of God, GET OUT.
"Man, I'm tired of driving through the Inland Empire surrounded by SUV's covered in 'not of this world' and 'real men love jesus' and ' W 04' stickers that keep cutting me off or won't let me change lanes. Oh, and I could do without the smog and 110 degree heat in the summer."
by bowling March 14, 2008
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