
A mispronounced form of the word DISCRIMINATE.Often used due to suspected police brutality.
"Why dem cops be incriminatin"?
"Why do they incriminate soo dam much mang"?
by Carl (The Ocelot) C. November 4, 2008
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Taking a selfie on a smart phone you stole.
My phone got stolen but I got it back from the cops because the rocket-surgeon thief did some selfie-incrimination.
by ApologyAcceptedCaptainNeeda February 8, 2015
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In Criminal Law, it is an art of lying when facing a senate trial.

Synonym: Janet Napoles
Senate blue ribbon: Name the senators who are part of the Priority Development Assistance Fund scam.

Napoles: I invoke my right against self-incrimination.
by PORK November 7, 2013
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false incriminations

"Why don't you do your job, instead of making false incriminations all the time?"
by XDavid PolicastroX January 28, 2009
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Incriminating descent

The incriminating decent is also known as a police helicopter.
We cooked bro, i knew we shouldnt have tried to rob Diddy's Baby oil
Nah its fine, the incriminating descent is miles away
by K9123 December 9, 2024
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